Customizing the Dashboard Page

The “dashboard” can be used to display a default landing page for CrudView-powered admin sites. It is made of several \Cake\View\Cell instances, and can be extended to display items other than what is shipped with CrudView.

To use the “Dashboard”, the custom DashboardAction needs to be mapped:

public function initialize(): void

    $this->Crud->mapAction('dashboard', 'CrudView.Dashboard');

Browsing to this mapped action will result in a blank page. To customize it, a \CrudView\Dashboard\Dashboard can be configured on the scaffold.dashboard key:

public function dashboard()
    $dashboard = new \CrudView\Dashboard\Dashboard();
    $this->Crud->action()->setConfig('scaffold.dashboard', $dashboard);
    return $this->Crud->execute();

The \CrudView\Dashboard\Dashboard instance takes two arguments:

  • title: The title for the dashboard view. Defaults to Dashboard.

  • columns A number of columns to display on the view. Defaults to 1.

public function dashboard()
    // setting both the title and the number of columns
    $dashboard = new \CrudView\Dashboard\Dashboard(__('Site Administration'), 12);
    $this->Crud->action()->setConfig('scaffold.dashboard', $dashboard);
    return $this->Crud->execute();

Adding Cells to the Dashboard

Any number of cells may be added to the Dashboard. All cells must extend the \Cake\View\Cell class.

Cells can be added via the Dashboard::addToColumn() method. It takes a cell instance and a column number as arguments.

// assuming the `CellTrait` is in use, we can generate a cell via `$this->cell()`
$someCell = $this->cell('SomeCell');
$dashboard = new \CrudView\Dashboard\Dashboard(__('Site Administration'), 2);

// add to the first column

// configure the column to add to
$dashboard->addToColumn($someCell, 2);

CrudView ships with the DashboardTable cell by default.


This can be used to display links to items in your application or offiste.

public function dashboard()
    // setting both the title and the number of columns
    $dashboard = new \CrudView\Dashboard\Dashboard(__('Site Administration'), 1);
    $dashboard->addToColumn($this->cell('CrudView.DashboardTable', [
        'title' => 'Important Links'

    $this->Crud->action()->setConfig('scaffold.dashboard', $dashboard);
    return $this->Crud->execute();

In the above example, only a title to the DashboardTable, which will show a single subheading for your Dashboard.

In addition to showing a title, it is also possible to show a list of links. This can be done by adding a links key with an array of LinkItem objects as the value. Links containing urls for external websites will open in a new window by default.

public function dashboard()
    // setting both the title and the number of columns
    $dashboard = new \CrudView\Dashboard\Dashboard(__('Site Administration'), 1);
    $dashboard->addToColumn($this->cell('CrudView.DashboardTable', [
        'title' => 'Important Links',
        'links' => [
            new LinkItem('Example', '', ['target' => '_blank']),

    $this->Crud->action()->setConfig('scaffold.dashboard', $dashboard);
    return $this->Crud->execute();

There is also a special kind of LinkItem called an ActionLinkItem. This has a fourth argument is an array of LinkItem objects. It can be used to show embedded action links on the same row.

public function dashboard()
    $dashboard = new \CrudView\Dashboard\Dashboard(__('Site Administration'), 1);
    $dashboard->addToColumn($this->cell('CrudView.DashboardTable', [
        'title' => 'Important Links',
        'links' => [
            new ActionLinkItem('Posts', ['controller' => 'Posts'], [], [
                new LinkItem('Add', ['controller' => 'Posts', 'action' => 'add']),

    $this->Crud->action()->setConfig('scaffold.dashboard', $dashboard);
    return $this->Crud->execute();

Available Viewblocks

The following custom view blocks are available for use within forms:

  • dashboard.before: Rendered before the entire dashboard is rendered.

  • dashboard.after: Rendered after the entire dashboard is rendered.

Available Elements

All the CrudView templates are built from several elements that can be overridden by creating them in your own templates/element folder. The following sections will list all the elements that can be overridden for each type of action.

In general, if you want to override a template, it is a good idea to copy the original implementation from vendor/friendsofcake/crud-view/templates/element


Create templates/element/action-header.ctp to have full control over what is displayed at the top of the page. This is shared across all page types.

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